I’ve released the phpCollab 2.5 rc 3, this release is the last one before the 2.5 stable. The rc3 is pretty a bug fix release (for more info take a look at the changelog) no great news and enhancement here.
Please test it a lot on your server, we need a lot of bug hunting for msql server and postfix and on upgrading procedure from 2.4, when we will be sure of the code we will publish the stable.
upgrading from 2.5 beta/rc
the upgrade function is only from 2.4 to 2.5 rc 3 and is not suited for a 2.5 beta/rc to rc 3 migration so if you want to update a 2.5 beta/rc I suggest you to dump the old db, make a fresh install of the rc 3 and then import the old db data tables in the new db.
ciuaz fullo