Updates from phpCollab v3 development

Hi all,
In the last few months we have done some steps forward on phpCollab v3 development.

The Ux is now carried out by Adam Patterson, and thanks to him we now have some screenshow of what will be the phpCollab 3 “look”. Below you can find two images about that.

mockup for developers dashboard

mockup for developers dashboard

project manager dashboad

project manager dashboad

While he was doing a great work on the UX side, new functionalities have been added to phpCollab v3.
We added :

  • Trackers functionalities
  • Issue log time
  • Issue estimated time
  • Analysis gantt chart

For a complete report of what has been done you can read the “what has been done” page on the phpCollab wiki.

For all developers: the github repository has been updated but the web interface does not seem to have seen it ;) Anyway, if you want to update your phpCollab source code just pull form the usual repository.

I’ll write again soon!