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July 2nd, 2015 — news, release
A new patch has been released. This release fixes issues with running phpCollab in PHP 5.x.
PHP 5.x Compatibility Changes
- Fixing Assigning the return value of new by reference and Using a call-time pass-by-reference is prohibited issues for 5.x
- Removed reference to $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS since it is deprecated
- added composer.lock
- Removed the magic_quotes check since it is no longer supported.
- fixed all deprecated references. Examples, ereg, split, eregi, etc.
- Cleaned up code formatting.
- Removed the version_compare check for php 4.1.1 and the corresponding session_register/session_unregister calls
- Removed session_register() calls
- Renamed the langVlaue to languageArray to make it a more descriptive name
- Refactored the language drop down to use the new method getDropdown.
- Fix for issue #4 – don’t get language pt-br by default
- Added a proper check to see if there is an associated custom_xx, where xx is a language/locale, and if one does not exist then default to English.
- Added an exclusion to the data scrubber for the language setting. The scrubber was removing the dash from the locale causing it to not set the language properly.
- Fix for issue #2 regarding the password mismatch
Download it here:
If you have any problems, please log an issue on Github.
April 1st, 2010 — news, php, phpcollab
For the IRC users out there, some of us phpCollab users and hackers
hang out on FreeNode. Come by and say hello :)
Server: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #phpcollab
Hope to see you there!
March 23rd, 2010 — news, php, phpcollab
Hi all,
I’m sorry for the “news blackout” on this blog. I’m here today to answer to all those people that are asking for news about phpCollab v3.
At the moment I’ve started working again on the project regularly. This means that I’m reserving some of my free time to keep developing phpCollab. During the last 6 months there were moments when I couldn’t work on this project, and, as this is an opensource project, nobody is obliged to work on it more that what they can/want.
Anyway, returning to what should be interesting: I’m nearly done with the users dashboards layout (thanks Adam!). From now on the goal of the development activities will be a release at the beginning of the summer.
This release should include all the basic functionalities for managing projects:
1) Dashboards for 4 different user group (developers, admin, project managers, customers)
2) Projects, milestones and issues management
3) Basic time management and activities logging
The development will be driven by the new layouts that Adam Patterson provided. This means using what is already in place with a new layout, and the creation of those functionalities that are “represented” on the layouts but not yet implemented.
Thanks again for your interest!
June 24th, 2009 — news, phpcollab
during the last weeks I’ve been busy with some issues about phpCollab and with its planning. It was not a simple task and I hope it will be ok! Actually, I’m working to get it right!
The planning I made has started yesterday and should reach its “end” at the end of October. All the user stories chosen are on the “what will be done” wiki page.
At the moment the objectives for October are :
– ACL management of permission
– Strengthening ticketing module and adding messages functionalities
– Introduction of module to manage resources and “time”
– Gantt chart functionality for planning a project/milestone and for looking after its progress
From now on I’ll try to commit every changes on the phpCollab 3 github repository as soon as my test are all green. Moreover I will try to keep synchronized the demo and the phpcollab_dev environment with the github repository.
In conclusion, I planned to release a stable version of phpCollab 3 at the end of August and one at the end of October. To anyone who wants to contribute just send an email to phpcollab [at] ideato.it.
Have a good week!!
June 3rd, 2009 — news, phpcollab
Hi everyone,
I’m here again to give you some news about the development of phpCollab 3.
First of all, there are some news on the wiki (here) about a patch for sfDoctrinePlugin that it’s needed to have the new release of phpCollab 3 works on your computer.
During the last iteration, we have developed (more details here):
1) Features for managing milestones
2) Features to relate issues with issues and milestones with issues
3) Dashboard for projects and users
4) Actions to add comments to ticket
5) View of a simple project roadmap
We build up a demo of the actual phpCollab 3 and it can be found here. You can try it using “admin” and “user” (username == password). It has to be said that, from the point of view of the User Experience, this version it’s simple (or even poor). In the other hand we think that it could be a good start for phpCollab 3, hopefully a “new” important open-source project!!
About the UX, we are trying to find experts that could help us building phpCollab 3 in a better way! (for developers and end users) Therefore, if you (UX guys) want to help us, send us an email ( phpcollab [at] ideato.it)
For all the designers who sent us emails, we are waiting to have some materials about the UX and then we would like to start a contest about the GUI layout. Hence, we’ll let you know about the contest when we have some “mockups” about what a user should “experienced” during his/her navigation on phpCollab 3.
For the developers: other than remember you to have a look here, we will send you an email (in a couple of days) about the next iteration with all the details about the user stories that we would like to implement. You will also find that list on the wiki. Moreover the gituhb repository of phpCollab it has been updated with the latest release. Feel free to download it! Thanks for any help!